Field Day Station
16-Mar-2020 11:18
[back to W1TR Antennas and QTH]
This is my ARRL Field Day, Field Deployable Station.
Included is an ICOM-7000 HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Transceiver, LDG IT-100 ATU, and RigBlaster PnP sound card / digital mode interface.
A HP mini NetBook computer (with external keyboard and mouse) is used (can’t stand the mouse pad or small keyboard for contest operating!)
Software used is or DXLAB for general logging, N1MM / MMTTY / MMVARI / FLDIGI for contesting (ARRL Field Day), Audacity for audio file preparation.
These pictures were taken during the 2011 ARRL Field Day for the W1BIM / Central Amateur Radio Association (CMARA) operation in Spencer, MA.
Elevation of the operating QTH is 1200 ft MSL, or about 700 ft height above average terrain (HAAT).
Operations were 6A WMA.
Here is the Field Day Operating Position for 75/80 meter Phone/CW, 80-10 meter Digital
Here is the Antenna, an 80m Inverted Vee
at about 40 feet high
fed with ladder line to a 4:1 balun just outside the
shack, then coax into the station.
Thanks to Bob / KB1VUA for a plush seat in an air conditioned RV ! Quite the comforts of home!
Bob was operating the 6 meter station while I did 75 phone / 80 CW and Digital on 80-10 meters.
Free HOT COFFEE, using the K-Cups! Such luxury!