Original VHF Tower and Beams

Updated 03-Jan-2025  13:54


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VHF Yagis for 6m thru 1296 MHz are shown here mounted on a 2 inch OD aluminum mast in the HG52SS cranked up to about 50 feet. 

The antennas from bottom to top are:

·         6 m, 50 MHz, 5 elements: Cushcraft A505S upgraded to K1WHS design 5 el on 17 foot boom August 2018 (picture far right below)

·         2 m, 146 MHz, 4 elements: Vertically Polarized Beam for 2 Meter FM Operation, Unknown Manufacturer

·         2 m, 144 MHz, 15 elements: W1JR prototype JR Boomer, a Cushcraft 13B2  modified to have triple reflectors

·         222 MHz, 13 elements: Unknown manufacturer, similar to Cushcraft.

·         70 cm, 432 MHz, 19 elements: Cushcraft A719B

·         33 cm, 902 MHz, 33 loop elements: Microwave Associates

·         23 cm, 1296 MHz, 46 loop elements: Microwave Associates


As of early September 2008, just in time for the ARRL Sept VHF QSO Party, the Tristao (Telex Hy-Gain) HG52SS 52 ft crank-up tilt-over tower was up.

I used an RCB-70 Tower Base Assembly and a TA-70 Tilt Over Accessory as the tower foundation.   A TB-2 Thrust Bearing is used to mount the antenna mast on the tower. 

A Yaesu G-600RC rotator is used to point the antennas to the desired azimuth, this was upgraded to a Yaesu G-1000 DXA in August 2018 to achieve 450 degree rotation to avoid a dead spot.


My thanks to VO1HP for sharing his ideas on how to put up an HG52SS tower.


VHF Towers up until 18-Dec-2023, Monday Before Christmas

At approximately 09:15 on Monday 18-Dec-2023, there was a strong windstorm out of the south which took down this beautiful VHF/UHF tower and antenna system.

I heard the wind blow hard, and went to the sliding glass door facing North, and saw the tower come down with a thud.

My XYL was in the hospital, having fallen down in the bedroom and broken 4 ribs.

On Sunday, the night before, I returned from the hospital in Hartford early evening after an afternoon visit with her.

The weather was stormy, rainy, windy, but the forecast was not for excessively strong winds…

SO… I mistakenly left the tower cranked up all the way (50 ft).

I have some tree coverage blocking wind to the East, North, and West, but not the South.



Disaster Before Christmas


Building Back Better (for real)


August 2008 – Original VHF Tower and Antennas – 6m, 2m (Horizontal and Vertical), 432 MHz, 1296 MHz

Tower HG52SS and Antennas 15.JPG Tower HG52SS and Antennas 09.JPG Tower HG52SS and Antennas 11.JPG 


August 2018 – 222 MHz and 902 MHz Antennas Installed

New 17ft 6m Beam Installed Replacing 12 ft Cushcraft 5 el A50-S

Yaesu G-1000 DXA replaced G-600 RC

Further maintenance May 2019 to Repair Wind Damage from Storm Nov 2018


Tower Moving Day (Mid Aug 2007)

click on text or picture for more details


Tower Base Construction Week (late June 2008)

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Tower Installation (Early Aug 2008)

click on text or picture for more details

Tower HG52SS TiltUp 08.JPG


Electric Winches Added 28-Oct-2011, and 24-Jul-2018


Crank-Up Motorization Added 28-Oct-2011

click on text or picture for more details


Tilt-Over Motorization Added 24-Jul-2018

click on text or picture for more details

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