Academic Service
Updated: Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 10:36 PM
Terry G. Glagowski, Ph.D.
- Director: Embedded Systems Laboratory,
WSU/Spokane/SIRTI (1994-)
- Co-Director: Software Engineering Laboratory,
WSU/Spokane/SIRTI (1994-)
- Co-Director: Instructional Computing Laboratory,
WSU/Spokane/SIRTI (1994-)
- Non-voting branch representative from Spokane to WSU
Faculty Senate (1992-)
- Faculty Senate Extended University Affairs Committee
(EUAC) (1994-) W.S.U
- EECS Laboratory Committee (1994-) WSU
- WSU/Spokane/SIRTI building planning task force (1992-)
- EECS Graduate Program Coordinator at WSU/Spokane
- College of Engineering Computing Facilities (1989-1992)
- EECS Computer Engineering Curriculum Committee (1991-1994)
- Trustee to Washington State University Amateur Radio
Club (W7YH) FCC License
- Computing Facilities Task Force Executive Secretary
(1976-1978) UConn
- Faculty Senate Budget Committee (1975-1978) UConn