Awards and Honors
Updated: Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 10:36 PM
Terry G. Glagowski, Ph.D.
Activities and Honors:
- WSU Host to Washington Software Association.
- Co-Chair of the IEEE (Rochester) ASIC 1991 Analog/Digital
Design Session.
- Acting Chair of NorthCon 1991
session on Design Methodology.
- Member of IEEE, ACM, Tau Beta Pi, Eta
Kappa Nu, Phi Kappa Phi.
- GTE Software Award (1984) ZEUS hardware description
language translator using YACC/LEX
- GTE Software Award (1984) SPARTA (System Partitioning
Aid) testbed using ZEUS and PROLOG
- IEEE Outstanding Paper Award (1978 COMPSAC)
- GTE NSF/IURP Principal Investigator (1982, 1987, 1988)
- GTE EADP (Engineering Associate Development Program)
Supervisor (1986)